United Labour Party recognizes that crucial for the development of Papua New Guinea going forward, there must be:


principled, value-based democratic governance;


smart, informed work with fair, just, real and sustainable benefits;

Rural Development

development of rural infrastructure and utilities for equalizing services and economic opportunities where the majority lives;


drive the growth of economic independence using non-renewable resources to harness our renewable resources for all;


responsible management of population growth in-step with our growing socioeconomic (social & economic sector) capacity to care;


development partnership with international bilateral, multilateral, faith-based, non-govern ment organizations, private sector and civil society.

Constituted by principled leaders in rural development and leaders of unions, and backed by growing number of financial members and other members nationwide, ULP stands to influence value-based leadership in governance through sound, realistic and achievable policies.

ULP believes in a holistic and integral Connect PNG efforts for sustainable economic and social development. ULP believes in rural development of infrastructure, utilities and economic generation for sustainable social services. ULP believes in smart work as the basis of advancement and development of Papua New Guinea. ULP believes in responsible management of our population on par with our socioeconomic development and capacity to care.